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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

DCRC January meeting a success!

Last night's DCRC meeting was a great success! Thanks to all who came, brought food, shared ideas and volunteered to get involved.

The DCRC extends its appreciation to the local elected officials who were kind enough to join us: Sheriff Bill Rasco, Horn Lake Mayor Nat Baker, Circuit Court Clerk Dale Thompson and Chancery Court Clerk Sluggo Davis.

Plus, it was great to host members of Generation Joshua, a group of homeschooled teens committed to advancing civic responsibility! (

If you didn't make it, you missed a good time. With over 50 in attendance, the Club discussed its needs for the coming year as well as plans to ramp up efforts to promote and further Republican initiatives in DeSoto County. Several new committees - Hospitality, Fundraising and Research - were formed, and volunteers came forward! And the DCRC made plans to get together as a group socially, as well as host community events such as meet-the-candidate.

The DCRC will now meet the 4th Tuesday of each month! Please mark your calendars. Meetings will still be held at the Bank Plus Training Center building located at 7168 Moore Drive in Southaven and will begin at 6:30 pm. Make plans to catch the next meeting and even get involved!

Thanks again for a great January meeting! See you next month!

Amanda Herring, DCRC President

1 comment:

  1. Frank Walker1/18/2010 11:35 AM

    Mon 1/ 18
    We did Voter ID this weekend in CD2. Elise Foster took some of the Generation Joshua kids that were at our last meeting and collected 73 sigs in Clarksdale, we had volunteers from Desoto County in Cleveland Fri pm at abasket ball game and went door to door Sat. And Sun.
    Inn Coahoma and Bolivar counties this weekend we gathered over 700 sigs. We know tht an additional 425 were collected in Warren County. This puts us over 1100 that we know of in D2 for the weekend and Jo Dirt's calcilations show that D2 has collected, certified or has pending 17,900 plus. We need more to cover count errors and % of pending and collected sigs that do not get certified but DISTRICT IS GOING TO MAKE IT .
    We have some DeSoto county Volunteers that are making preperations to go to District 5. Volunteers from District 3 that have been working inD2 and Volunteers that have been working very hard in Vicksburg are beginning to make day trips into D4.
    We still need to top off D2. Depending on numbers later in the week I may take volunteers back and do door to door in Clarksdale.
    Frank Walker
