Jeremy Martin, North Mississippi Service Coordinator from the Secretary of State's office, is slated to speak to the DCRC at its next meeting (Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 6:30 pm).
Prepare to be enlightened...and a little agitated! Mr. Martin will explain Mississippi's election process, discuss voter habits and turnout and educate us on Mississippi voter law. Some of the information is truly shocking!
When were MS voter laws written, and how often have they been updated?
What crimes are disenfranchising crimes?
Do convicted felons still have the right to vote?
How are election laws amended?
Why the big push for Voter ID?
Get answers to all these questions and more! If you haven't brought friends and family to a DCRC meeting yet...the November meeting is the perfect time! Don't miss this opportunity to become more knowledgeable about the MS election process and voter law.
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