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Friday, November 13, 2009

Action Required - Voter ID Needs You !!

The Voter ID initiative is not done yet! There are many more signatures required to meet the goal, and time is flying! DeSoto County numbers look good, but don't slow down. All signatures are valuable. Other parts of the state; however, need a lot of help...particularly District 2 (see the District 2 map at

If you have friends and relatives in this district, please contact them right away and coordinate getting some petitions signed. If you're visiting friends or family during the Thanksgiving holiday, take petitions with you. If you go to a high school football game in this area, take petitions.

I have petitions and will be glad to get them to you, if you will let me know you need some. Please e-mail me at for petitions and instructions on getting them signed. And if you're willing to travel to this area with a group and work on a petition team, I can help coordinate this, so e-mail me if you're interested in that.

Change we actually can believe in is brought about by the actions of ordinary folks just like me and you. We are the people of Mississippi, and we can make this happen!

~ Amanda Herring


  1. Frank Walker12/30/2009 4:31 PM

    Getting near the end d2 needs help. It is doable at this time and we are making progress. If anyone has petitions tht are not going to be used we could probably use them. Any signed petition sheets need to be turned in now regardless of how many sigs. are on them, even one, it might be the one, any county, don't w orry if it's mixed counties. Please turn them in. Frank Walker

  2. Frank Walker1/18/2010 12:35 PM

    Read Comment posted today @ DCRC JANURARY MEETING SUCESS
