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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cap and Trade - Flying Under the Radar

In the midst of the healthcare bill hoopla, Democrats are working to push through a cap and trade bill in time for the Copenhagen summit in December. If you missed Tuesday night's DCRC meeting or didn't get to pick up the piece I wrote on what cap and trade is and how it might affect American sovereignty, please e-mail me, and I will send you a copy (

Ellen Jernigan forwarded the following information offered up by a grassroots organization called Alliance. Take a look and consider signing the online petition and forwarding it to those you know, for whatever it's worth. Please make educating yourself on cap and trade a priority and be prepared to fight this battle next. Healthcare is the only disaster looming over us right now, and we're going to have to fight against these cap and trade policies just as hard.
~ Amanda Herring ~



Following closely on the heels of ObamaCare, the Boxer-Kerry
Cap and Trade bill has been inconspicuously moving through
the Senate with a stealth goal to pass the bill before the
Copenhagen Summit this December!

During a heated debate last week Sen. Barbara Boxer,
Chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works committee
refused to release a full economic analysis of the bill,
to which Inhofe bristled, "I can only conclude that
they don't want the pubic to know how much money this
thing is going to cost."

And cost it will...

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) said of the coming legislation,
"This would be the largest tax increase in the history of

Analysts believe the increased taxes and fees will cost the
average American household upwards of $1,600 to $3,000 or
more each and every year!

Making matters worse, scientists suggest Cap and Trade would
have no measureable benefit--except to the federal government.

Ellen, stand with Grassfire right now against this
latest bureaucratic pickpocket scheme by clicking here and
signing our petition opposing the Cap and Trade legislation:

I'm calling on you, Ellen, to help me rally and mobilize
100,000 grassroots citizens over the next ten days who refuse
to be ripped off by the federal government...

..who refuse to support any attempts to "fix" our environment
without measureable results!

Take a moment to add your name to our petition by clicking here:

After signing, forward this message to 25-30 friends, urging
them to take immediate action by signing our petition and
taking a stand against skyrocketing taxes and increased
government control.

Once again absent in this debate is the voice of the American
people who can't shoulder the added financial burden Cap and
Trade will spawn. Please sign our petition, and alert your
friends today.

Thanks for standing with Grassfire.

Steve Elliott

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